Academic lyceum of University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Today is April 9th - the birthday of the great ruler Amir Timur, son of Amir Taragay.

Today is April 9th - the birthday of the great ruler Amir Timur, son of Amir Taragay.



Today, April 9th is the birthday of the great ruler, Amir Temur, son of Amir Tarag'ay. Our grandfather Amir Temur is one of the great symbols devoted to strengthening our national identity, traditions, and values through significant works for our people. Events dedicated to the 688th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur continue. In April, spiritual and educational events are being held to develop a deeper understanding of the history of Amir Temur and the Timurids among students. For example, a lesson was organized at the State Museum of Timurids for 1st-year students. Students prepared video clips. Quizzes were conducted to highlight the personality of Temur. The implementation of such events enhances students' interest and love for our country's history.