Academic lyceum of University of World Economy and Diplomacy

A Roundtable discussion on the topic "The Role of Modernists in the Development of National Spirituality"

A Roundtable discussion on the topic "The Role of Modernists in the Development of National Spirituality"



On January 19 of the current year, a lecture on the topic "The Role of Modernists in the Development of National Spirituality" took place at UWER Academic Lyceum. During the lecture, Abduvali Abdumutaliboyevich Yoʻldoshev, a scientific researcher at the History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a Doctor of Philosophy in History, participated. A.A. Yoʻldoshev provided the students with information regarding the necessity of studying the heritage of the representatives of socio-political and cultural movements of the early 20th century—modernists, as well as the importance of understanding the heritage of our knowledgeable ancestors, in terms of the legal democratic state and citizenship society. Following the event, the students answered questions that had sparked their interest regarding the topic.